Tested At: 04 Oct 24 15:31 UTC
Initial Validity Period: 1095 day(s)
Remaining Validity Period: 875 day(s)
Subject: CN=RCN SHAKEN Cert 7615, O=RCN, C=US
Issuer: CN=Metaswitch STI-CA SHAKEN Issuing 1
Link: https://cdn-cr.cgah.tnsi.com/certs/a23201bf22dbf58314c267f8d2dc304ff278000d
Code | Type | Source | Details |
e_us_cp_subject_sn_shall | error | US_SHAKEN_CP | The DN does not contain a serialNumber attribute. |
e_atis_ext_key_usage_ee | error | ATIS1000080 | The Key Usage extension for STI end-entity certificates shall contain a single key usage value of digitalSignature (0). |
e_atis_subject_cn_spc | error | ATIS1000080 | Common name shall contain the text string ‘SHAKEN 7615’, but common name is ‘RCN SHAKEN Cert 7615’ |
Generated: 04 Oct 24 16:29 UTC