STIR/SHAKEN CA Ecosystem Compliance


Name: e_atis_subject_cn_spc
Source: ATIS1000080
Citation: ATIS-1000080.v004 / 6.4.1 STI Certificate Requirements
Effective Date: 16 Jan 22 00:00 UTC
Description: For end-entity certificate, the Common Name attribute shall contain the text string SHAKEN, followed by a single space, followed by the SPC value identified in the TNAuthList of the end-entity certificate.

Leaf Certificates

Status Subject Link Details
error NovoLink SHAKEN cert view Common name shall contain the text string ‘SHAKEN 332G’, but common name is ‘NovoLink SHAKEN cert’
error FracTEL LLC SHAKEN view Common name shall contain the text string ‘SHAKEN 965H’, but common name is ‘FracTEL LLC SHAKEN’
error view Common name shall contain the text string ‘SHAKEN 846K’, but common name is ‘’
error view Common name shall contain the text string ‘SHAKEN 816K’, but common name is ‘’
error MYPBXManager SHAKEN view Cannot get SPC value from the TNAuthList extension, bad TNAuthorizationList, bad TNAuthorizationList ASN.1 raw, asn1: syntax error: data truncated

CA Certificates

No error, warning, or notice level issues were found

Generated: 26 Aug 24 18:03 UTC